“The typical Western diet tends to be low in fiber, which we know is important to digestive health,” says gastroenterologist Ian Harnik, MD, an assistant professor in the department of medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. “A high-fiber diet can improve constipation and may even protect against disorders such as diverticulosis and colon cancer.” So how can you go about getting more fiber into your diet? Try the experts’ advice: Spread out your high-fiber foods evenly throughout your day. When it comes to eating fiber, the best time is any time. The caveat, however, is not to overdo at any one meal. “If you load up on fiber in one meal, you’ll wreak havoc on your digestive system,” warns registered dietitian Jessica Crandall, RD, wellness director for Motivation Solutions in Denver, Colo., and a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The havoc usually comes in the form of bloating, cramping, and gas, your body’s reaction to having too much fiber at once. Crandall says it can happen innocently enough — you munch on a high-fiber bar, some of which contain 10 grams, or nearly half the day’s fiber needs. Instead of feeling good about your fiber commitment, you quickly feel uncomfortable.

Filling Up: When to Eat Fiber

To pace fiber properly, Crandall recommends having 5 to 7 grams of fiber in each of your three meals and, in between, two snacks with 3 to 5 grams of fiber each. You can read labels and research the fiber content of foods to track your intake, but Crandall suggests using the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Choose My Plate healthy eating guideline for your meals as a quick way to make sure you’re getting fiber as well as nutritious foods. That means half your plate should be a combination of veggies and fruits and another quarter of the plate should be whole grains (the rest is lean protein). This simple system will go a long way to helping you meet fiber goals for each meal and the entire day. Smart planning is essential, too. “Winging it never leads to success,” Crandall says. Have plenty of fiber-containing foods available for both snacks and meals. Here are tasty fiber-rich choices to put on your shopping list:

Dried fruits. One-fourth cup of figs rings in at 3.7 grams of fiber. Try prunes or apricots as well.Almonds. One ounce contains about 3.5 grams of fiber.Beans. One half-cup serving contains between 6.2 and 9.6 grams of fiber.Whole grain cereal. A serving size, which may be just a 1/3 cup for some, often has 5 to 9 grams of fiber.Fruit. Variety is good for fiber and nutrients. A pear, for example, has about 5 grams of fiber, an apple has 3.6 and ½ cup of berries clocks in between the two.Vegetables. A half-cup serving of cooked mixed vegetables has about 4 grams of fiber.

Getting Motivated for More Fiber

There are a lot of benefits to meeting daily fiber goals besides maintaining your digestive health, emphasizes Crandall — things like controlling your appetite and more easily managing your weight. “You’ll get that feeling of fullness and satiety that you’re looking for,” she points out. One final tip: Don’t forget fluids, which are necessary to help fiber move through your system. Crandall recommends at least 64 ounces of fluid each day. Water is an excellent option — just add a slice of cucumber or orange for a little flavor enhancement.