Different Microbiomes in the Body

Various communities of microbes live throughout the human body, each making up its own microbiome:

Several strategies can rebuild a healthy gut microbiome. Foods that promote increased levels of SCFAs (sometimes called prebiotics) are raw forms of garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, bananas, seaweed, dandelion greens, and Jerusalem artichokes. It’s important to introduce prebiotic foods slowly into your diet, as doing so suddenly can lead to an increase in gas and bloating. If you have any questions about how the medication you’re on might affect your gut microbiome, talk to your doctor. Home Tests A number of startup companies have begun selling at-home testing kits to consumers with the claim that they map out their microbiome. Many companies also promise that vitamins and probiotics will help improve disease symptoms and improve weight loss by correcting your microbiome. However, not enough research exists on the accuracy of these tests and what can be done with the information they detect. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions about at-home testing.

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