Most people experience problems with their skin first and then, years later, notice joint issues, notes the American Academy of Dermatology. (2) The severity of symptoms varies a lot. Some people have mild symptoms, while others experience debilitating pain that affects their daily lives. Symptoms may be constant, or they may come and go. It’s important to recognize the signs of psoriatic arthritis, because starting on treatment earlier may lessen the risk of joint damage, according to the American Arthritis Foundation. (3)

Painful, Swollen Joints

You may experience joint pain, achiness, or swelling on one or both sides of your body, notes Mayo Clinic. (4) Any joint can be affected, but psoriatic arthritis commonly impacts the large joints in the lower extremities, such as your knees or ankles. The pain may be worse in the morning or after you’ve rested. (1)

Joint Stiffness

Stiff joints may make moving or bending difficult. This stiffness is usually worse in the morning or after you’ve been still awhile, according to the Arthritis Foundation. (5)

Swollen Fingers or Toes

Many people with psoriatic arthritis experience a symptom known as dactylitis — “sausage-like” swelling of the fingers or toes. This sign can help doctors tell the difference between psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. (5)

Skin Rash

Skin rashes usually appear as red patches with silvery scales, which are called plaques. They can show up anywhere on the body but are common on the scalp, elbows, knees, or around the ears. The rash may itch and burn. (1,5)

Nail Problems

With psoriatic arthritis, fingernails and toenails may become pitted, flaky, or look infected. Sometimes they can even lift from the nail bed. (5)

Heel, Foot, or Elbow Pain

Enthesitis, which is characterized by pain where tendons or ligaments attach to bones, is common in people with psoriatic arthritis. The discomfort usually occurs at the heel, bottom of the foot, or in the elbow. (5)

Eye Issues

Sometimes, psoriatic arthritis can cause inflammation of the eyes that leads to irritation, redness, and vision problems. (5)

Reduced Range of Motion

The pain and stiffness associated with psoriatic arthritis can affect your range of motion. You may not be able to move your joints and limbs easily. (5)

Lower Back Pain

Some people with psoriatic arthritis develop spondylitis — a condition that causes inflammation in your spine or pelvis. This can lead to back pain and stiffness. (4)


If psoriatic arthritis destroys the joints, it can cause permanent disfigurement. Getting early treatment can help prevent this type of damage. (2) Doctors believe proteins called cytokines, which are released when the body undergoes an inflammatory change, may be to blame for the exhaustion. (6) Additionally, people with psoriatic arthritis have a higher risk of developing fibromyalgia — a condition that causes a variety of symptoms, including muscle aches and pains, according to past research. (8) It’s important to keep your muscles strong by exercising regularly. Doctors do know that people who experience pain from the condition don’t always exercise the way they should. This could lead to weight gain. (7) Additionally, studies reveal obesity is a risk factor for developing psoriatic arthritis, and negatively impacts response to medication treatment, notes the Arthritis Foundation. (9) Carrying around extra weight puts pressure on your joints. People with psoriatic arthritis who are overweight tend to have more severe symptoms and a harder time controlling their disease; they face an increased risk of heart disease, according to a review published in September 2020 in Rheumatology and Therapy. (10) Maintaining a healthy weight could ease your pain and improve your overall health. If flares become severe, your doctor can adjust your medication. According to the Arthritis Foundation, certain triggers that may bring on a flare include: (11)

StressWeather changesAlcohol or smokingFoods that cause inflammationSkipping or stopping medicationsAn illness or injury

Find the right doctor. Look for a rheumatologist who specializes in treating autoimmune diseases like psoriatic arthritis. Be sure to find a doctor who makes you feel comfortable.Exercise. Regular physical activity can improve your quality of life. Walking, cycling, swimming, and yoga are some low-impact exercises that are ideal for people with joint problems.Eat a healthy diet. Avoid foods that may have triggered a flare in the past. Consume lots of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins.Get enough rest. While you should exercise, resting your joints is also important. Listen to your body, and don’t overdo it when it comes to physical activity. Also, make sure you get enough sleep at night to help combat the fatigue you may feel during the day.Track your flares. Keep a daily journal that tracks food, sleep patterns, activity, and stress levels, to help you pinpoint what could be triggering your flares.Don’t stop taking your medicine. Keep taking all prescribed drugs, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. Stopping treatment can cause symptoms to worsen.Connect with others. Joining an in-person or online support group is a great way to connect with other individuals who have your disease. The National Psoriasis Foundation’s TalkPsoriasis is the world’s largest online support community for people with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. (4,11,12)

The Arthritis Foundation provides credible information and resources for those battling psoriatic arthritis. Their site offers opportunities for advocacy and community outreach. We like that you can get personalized exercise advice based on your condition and fitness level. National Psoriasis Foundation This organization’s site is chock-full of information about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. You can request a free electronic psoriatic arthritis kit, which includes a flare tracker to help you manage your disease and pinpoint triggers. Their Navigation Center also offers free and personalized assistance for patients, families, and caregivers. American College of Rheumatology This long-standing professional membership organization provides breaking news about the latest advances in psoriatic arthritis and other rheumatic conditions. The American College of Rheumatology serves more than 8,400 physicians, health professionals, and scientists worldwide. Their Find a Rheumatologist link lets you locate a doctor who specializes in your condition. Spondylitis Association of America The Spondylitis Association of America offers resources for those with spondyloarthritis and related diseases, like psoriatic arthritis. From message boards to support groups, this organization has you covered. American Academy of Dermatology With more than 20,500 members, the American Academy of Dermatology is the largest, most influential dermatology group in the United States. The organization focuses on education and advocacy for a wide range of conditions that affect the skin, including psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. CreakyJoints CreakyJoints is a digital community for arthritis patients and their caregivers. They offer education, support, advocacy, and patient-centered research resources for people with all types of arthritis.

Favorite Psoriatic Arthritis Online Support Networks

TalkPsoriasis TalkPsoriasis is the world’s largest online support community for people impacted by psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis. Sponsored by the National Psoriasis Foundation in partnership with Inspire, this resource lets patients connect, exchange information, and make friends. Live Yes! The Live Yes! Arthritis Network, sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation, connects you with local, peer-led support groups. You can also exchange tips, ideas, and experiences with other people in the online forums.

Favorite Annual Psoriatic Arthritis Patient Conference

National Psoriasis Foundation Cure Symposium Each year, the National Psoriasis Foundation hosts a symposium that showcases the latest research. Attending a conference can help you connect with other patients and leading scientists who are studying cutting-edge treatments for your condition.

Favorite Apps for Psoriatic Arthritis

Track + React This app, developed by the Arthritis Foundation, allows you to track your symptoms, input your daily activities, and make charts that you can share with your doctor. Flaredown Flaredown is designed to help you identify what triggers your psoriatic arthritis flare-ups. You can keep track of symptoms, medications, activities, diet, and weather conditions.