His wife, Marlene Young, is also a nutritionist, as is one of their adult children — so the healthy food habits that Young talks to patients about are often the same ones the family practices at home. “There’s no doubt that pain can be exacerbated by eating the wrong foods,” says Young. “By the same token, it can be made much better by eating the right foods. The ‘You are what you eat’ adage is correct in all aspects of disease prevention and management.” RELATED: Can a Special Diet Help You Manage Psoriatic Arthritis? It’s also important for people with psoriatic disease to eat heart-healthy foods, because they face increased cardiovascular risk. A study published in May 2021 in The Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found that 31 percent of people with psoriasis had metabolic syndrome, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, compared with people without psoriasis. A meta-analysis published in January 2017 in the journal Arthritis Care and Research, involving a total of 33,000 psoriatic-arthritis patients from 11 studies, found subjects were 43 percent more likely to develop heart disease compared with the general population. It stands to reason, then, that “Some of the diet approaches for psoriatic arthritis could help with heart function as well,” says Young. People with psoriatic arthritis are also more likely to experience obesity, and excess weight can, in turn, exacerbate joint pain and even make medications less effective. A diet designed to help shed excess pounds, under the supervision of a doctor, can help mitigate symptoms associated with psoriatic arthritis, as well as control high blood pressure to protect heart health. RELATED: Your Everyday Guide to Living Well With Psoriatic Arthritis “The natural form is always better than fish oil. With fish oil, you don’t know about the quality and source,” he says. Olive oil, a healthy fat rich in omega-3 fatty acids, also plays a role in staving off inflammation, but not all olive oil is equal. “I would urge people to only buy olive oil that comes in a tinted glass bottle because that preserves the omega-3 acids and prevents oxidation of the ingredients,” Young says. Fruits and vegetables, as well as foods containing vitamin D — such as eggs, fortified breads, and yogurt — are also key, adds Young. “I can’t talk enough about vitamin D,” he says. Besides spending 10 minutes a day in the sun (with sunscreen), “It can also be helpful to take vitamin D [supplements] in recommended amounts,” he says. For active management of psoriatic arthritis symptoms, says Young, “You might want to increase vitamin C, too, but make sure it’s within the range of limits that are recommended. Never exceed the limits.” Young also touts another type of healthy compound: bioflavonoids, found in red wine, blueberries, strawberries, and certain varieties of green tea. They are beneficial for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, he says. If all this sounds familiar, that’s because many of these compounds are typically found in the Mediterranean diet, which doctors and dietitians often recommend to people with symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. Besides olive oil, the Mediterranean diet consists of leafy greens, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and moderate amounts of lean protein. One thing to keep in mind is that when it comes to psoriatic arthritis no single dietary regimen is a cure-all. Still, the Mediterranean diet centers around foods that can help manage joint pain and maintain cardiovascular health. A study published in June 2020 in Rheumatology International found that the less likely people with psoriatic arthritis were to eat the Mediterranean way, the more severe their symptoms. Incidentally, the diet’s emphasis on lean proteins such as seafood, and its relatively low dairy content, are also linked to better heart health, adds Young. RELATED: 14 Foods to Eat or Avoid for Psoriatic Arthritis

Certain Spices and Fermented Foods May Ease Inflammation

Certain spices, like turmeric, can help reduce inflammation. “Turmeric is amazing,” says Young, who suggests sprinkling it lightly as a seasoning on fish. Kimchi and sauerkraut, both fermented foods loaded with probiotics — “good” bacteria — also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits and are worth adding to your diet, Young adds.

Some Foods Can Make Psoriatic Arthritis Symptoms Worse

“Red meat can create problems,” says Young. “People who eat a lot of red meat can get gouty joints.” Beans and lentils make a good alternative to red meat, he says. In addition, Young suggests limiting foods that are high in cholesterol as well as sugar and sugary soda. For people with psoriatic arthritis, it’s also good to try to limit cheese because of the cholesterol and saturated fats, according to Young. “You also want to avoid refined grains that can cause inflammation — for example, white rice, sweetened cereals, buns, white bread, pancakes,” he says. RELATED: What Not to Say to Someone With Psoriatic Arthritis

Supplements May Offer Benefits — Within Reason

It can’t hurt, says Young, to try supplements such as glucosamine, Sam-E, and MsM (methylsulfonylmethane), all of which can help ease inflammation. “I am not for a moment touting these remedies as a substitute or an alternative for mainstream treatments,” he says. “But if it can’t hurt and might add value, then why not?” Just be sure to speak to your physician before trying any supplements.

This Sample Diet Can Offer Ideas and Inspiration

To simplify things, Young agreed to share some of his favorite foods and meals to promote joint and heart health. He says there are a few general rules to keep in mind: “Try to eat fish at least twice a week, and plenty of leafy green vegetables, as well as cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli.” Otherwise, pick and choose from the options below, to see what works best for you:


Low-sodium oatmeal sprinkled with omega-3-rich flax seedsA tall glass of purified water with a squeeze of lemon, lime, or orange and an orange slice. “Adding citrus,” says Young, “makes water more pleasurable to drink.” Plus the vitamin C in citrus enhances the absorption of other nutrients. “For example, if you have an egg along with orange juice, the vitamin C in the juice will help you absorb the iron in the egg a lot better,” says Young.


Avocado toast with a tomato slice on Ezekiel sprouted bread. “This bread is healthier because it’s made from sprouted grains, not processed flour that could increase your blood sugar levels,” Young explains.Low-fat Greek yogurt or kefir, a type of yogurt with probiotic bacterial strains that aid in digestion and reduce inflammation. “Kefir is tart and tangy, high in protein, and contains lots of vitamin D,” says Young. A caveat: “Some have a high amount of sugar, some low, so check the label. It’s also helpful to find one with a multitude of [healthy bacteria] cultures.”


Tofu or tempeh, cut into cubes and sautéed in olive oil with fresh garlic, ginger, tamari, turmeric, and a bit of the Middle Eastern spice mix za’atarRoasted or baked turkey or chicken, or fish. “At home we do mostly roasting or baking,” says Young. “When you roast or bake as opposed to frying, the likelihood of denaturing the oil is less, and you also don’t use as much oil. The vitamins also tend to concentrate in the food when you roast or bake, versus in a fry pan where they’re released and end up in the oil that goes down your drain.”Roasted vegetables like sweet potato, cauliflower, green beans, and carrots


Dark chocolate. “I like low-sugar chocolate nibs, which are like tiny dots of chocolate,” says Young. “Chocolate has anti-inflammatory qualities.”Low-calorie iced yogurt or fudge barsWatermelon. “It’s heathy and it’s satiating,” says Young.


High-quality green tea. “Not all green teas are created equal,” says Young. “Some have higher caffeine, some less. Our son likes Japanese green tea; ceremonial-grade matcha is another one we like.”Red wine. “A small amount can be impactful in terms of reducing pain and inflammation,” says Young. “Red wine contains flavonoids, which are healthy antioxidants.”